2007年5月30日 星期三

Does College Expand your Mind?

When we study in the college, we have to expand our knowledge. We know that many younger people in the high school have not study well. So in the collage, we have use library well and study most of good books. But most of people use their time to work as a day; they have not spent time in their lessons. So we have to ask them study hard.
Younger people want to spent money, so they use their time to work as a day.
But they understand that know we only have studying hard than in the future, we can fun a good job. So we have talking something to them. In Taiwan, we can fun most of people graduation from school on the road. Than we have to substantial in content than we have let me different with somebody. In the collage life, we only have fore years to substantial in content ourselves. In the social accounting analysis, computer
is article which we have to learn well. So we have notice that social tape. What thing we have to learn?

1 則留言:

Happy 提到...


Although you introduce your college's facilities, you don't write down what you did get from the facilities? And what will you enrich your intelligence in your college? Please think it again with your words by 3 paragraphs.